The League of Legends PBE has been updated with the second part of the 2024 Lunar Revel Event! This sees the return of the Porcelain theme. Joining this theme will be the line up of Aurelion Sol (Legendary), Darius, Graves, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Irelia and a Prestige for Kindred. Ranked Reward for split two of 2023, Victorious Tryndamere, also arrives.
Champion Skins
Porcelain Protector Aurelion Sol
When the Zodiac forged their relics, Aurelion Sol was there. With him, eleven others: the first to be humbled with the task of guarding the artifacts, the first to be granted their powers. Centuries later, Aurelion Sol is summoned forth by his draconic descendant, desperate for his help against an ancient threat with which he is all too familiar.
Porcelain Miss Fortune
Through the centuries, humans have tried to replicate the power of dragon’s breath. With gunpowder came the cannon, which was finessed into smaller and more refined variants until it was ultimately perfected by Sarah Fortune’s mother. Her dual dragon-pistols carry on the legacy of not only her own family, but of the creatures of myth themselves.
Porcelain Morgana
There is no one who comprehends the power of the sorceress Lissandra more than Morgana. The magic that bound Lissandra to her relic came at a cost: the protector who uttered the words would be trapped as well. Morgana made this sacrifice, the wings of her Rooster Relic wrapping her in a porcelain cocoon for millennia. Awake once more, she seeks revenge.
Porcelain Irelia
Irelia was dedicated to the preservation of ancient relics long before she became a protector. Her first year at university, she interned at the renowned Archeology Institute. It was the highlight of her short life… until she was granted mythical powers by the Ox Relic and thrust into a centuries-old war. Schoolwork sort of pales in comparison.
Porcelain Darius
Darius has watched the modern-day protector of the Tiger Relic from afar, silently judging his descendant. Back when he was protector, the Tiger was a symbol of pride… Now it seems the Zodiac will hand off the duty to anyone with a minor in archeology. Returned to physical form, Darius believes he can show this kid a thing or two.
Porcelain Graves
Not long after gunpowder was invented, the Zodiac searched for a new protector of the Dragon Relic. Though ancient and wise, the gods struggled to find someone worthy, so they settled for Malcolm Graves. Eventually his expertise in firepower was pointed in the right direction (away from all the breakable vases).
Prestige Porcelain Kindred
The hunter and the hound stalk the runway in white-feathered armor with cerulean plating. The refractions of images that dance in the crystals embossed on both bow and headdress dare the audience to reflect on the past year, their fashion feats, and faux pas.
Victorious Tryndamere
Victorious Tryndamere was earned by players who accumulated enough split points in Ranked. The last thing Tryndamere’s challengers would ever see was the unbridled wrath in his eyes as he decided they would be the next to meet his blade.
Ahri Health Growth: 96 >>> 104 Q AP Ratio: 45% AP >>> 50% AP | Aurelion Sol Q Bonus Magic Damage Per 1s: 60-100 (+ 35% AP) >>> 55-95 (+ 30% AP) |
Jayce AD: 57 >>> 59 W Mana Restore: 10/12/14/16/18/20 >>> 15/17/19/21/23/25 mW Damage/tick: 35/50/65/80/95/110 >>> 40/55/70/85/100/115 mE: Mirrors Lee Sin R knockback functionality | Bard Armor growth: 5.2 >>> 5.0 Attack Speed: .625 >>> .658 P Damage: 35 +14/5 Chimes + 30% AP >>> 35 + 10/5 Chimes + 40% AP Q Damage: 80-260 + 65% >>> 80-240 + 80% |
Kai’sa R Cast Range: 1500/2250/3000 >>> 2000/2500/3000 | Fiora W AS Slow: 50% >>> 25% |
Lulu Q Double hit Damage: 25% >>> 50% E Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 >>> 80/125/170/215/260 E Shield: 75/115/155/195/235 >>> 80/125/170/215/260 | Illaoi Tentacle damage: 9-162 + 115% Total AD >>> 9-182 + 100% Total AD |
Renekton Q Champ Healing: 12-36 (+ 15% bAD) >>> 12-44 (+ 17% BAD) E CD: 16-12 >>> 16-10 R Bonus Health: 250-550 >>> 300-700 | Kalista Rend base damage: 20-60 + 70% Total AD >>> 10-50 + 70% Total AD (Per-stack damage unchanged) Bugfix: Boots of Speed now properly affects passive dash distance (this is a buff) |
Soraka P Movespeed 70% >>> 90% Q heal: 50-110 >>> 60-120 R CD: 160-130 >>> 150-120 | MaokaiArmor: 39 >>> 35 Q Damage: 70-270 + 2-4% Max HP >>> 65-265 + 2-4% Max HP R root duration: 0.8-2.6 >>> 0.75-2.25 |
Thresh Armor: 28 >>> 31 E damage: 75-235 >>> 75-255 R CD: 140-100 >>> 120-80 | Urgot Hullbreaker Works properly hopium |
Volibear Q MS: 8-24% >>> 12-32% E CD: 13 >>> 12 R Turret Disable: 3-5s >>> 2-4s R CD: 160-120 >>> 130-100 R CC immunity removed (still unstoppable) | Varus Base AD: 62 >>> 60 |
Zyra Plant damage: 20-88 + 18% AP >>> 16-84 + 18% AP Bonus monster damage: 40-100 >>> 60-100 | |
K’sante Health: 570 >>> 625 -Mana: 290 >>> 320 W Armor/MR Ratio: 50% >>> 85% All Out Q no longer slows All Out W no longer has a faster CD or cast time E dash speeds reduced 20-40% | |
Rek’sai Passive healing, tunnel dash speed, and tunnel cooldowns buffed W knock-up buffed Damage nerfed Changes are meant to be a buff | |
Smolder Q target dying while missile is in flight still grants Smolder a stack Q 125 Stacks # of Missiles: 2 + 1% Dragon Practice Stacks >>> 1+ 1.5% Dragon Practice Stacks W Cooldown: 13-11 >>> 14-10 W Base Damage: 70-150 + 25% total AD + 35% AP >>> 50-170 + 25% bonus AD + 20% AP W Explosion Damage: 25-85 + 65% AP >>> 25-85 + 25% bonus AD + 80% AP R will still cast even if Smolder dies during the cast time |
Black Cleaver Shred cap: 24% in 6 hits >>> 25% in 5 hits Kindlegem + Long Sword >>> Warhammer + Ruby Crystal Passive MS now applies even if the damage is mitigated | Lethal Tempo Melee AS Per Stack: 9-13.5% >>> 5-16% |
Fountain regenaration Max Health Regen Per 1s: 8.4% >>> 10.4% | |
Mana mage items +5 Haste | |
Ravenous hydra [NEW]: Active benefits from 150% of your lifesteal | |
StridebreakerPassive MS now applies even if the damage is mitigated | |
Terimnus Stack cap: 5 each >>> 3 each Max Pen unchanged Active MS decays over 1.5s >>> 3.0s, now has a buff icon Max Armor/MR 15-25 >>> 18-24 Dagger >>> 2nd Recurve Bow | |
Red side camera Red Side Camera Offset Increased visibility on the bottom of the screen for per-side offset camera option. | |
Support Items Charge rate: 18s >>> 20s First charge: 2:08 >>> 1:50 Bloodsong ranged amp: 6% >>> 5% Solstice Sleigh health: 120 >>> 7% Max HP MS: 90, decaying over 4s >>> 30%, decaying over 3s Zaz’Zak’s Damage: 50 + 15% AP + 3% Max HP >>> 20 + 20% AP + 4% Max HP Cooldown: 9-6 (linear) >>> 8/7/6 (1/11/16) |